Sunday, April 12, 2009


My last weigh in was two weeks ago as I was set to leave for a two week tour with my band. I was concerned how being on the road would effect my progress as touring often makes it impossible to exercise, offers very little sleep, and gives few opportunities to find healthy food. I was also without my scale (which I actually use daily when I am home) so I had no way of really knowing if what I was doing on the road was working.

But somehow, someway, upon returning home and weighing in this morning, I was very pleased to discover that I lost 5 more POUNDS! I ran during the beginning of the tour but then got very sick and was unable to do the daily runs that I was hoping to do. I was worried that I wouldn't make any progress as I had to temporarily put the health of my voice over my weight loss goals as to not jeopardize the tour. But my band mates, Ryan and Ben, were incredibly supportive over the two week journey, always making an extra effort to avoid convenient fast food, and instead driving a bit further out of our way to find places where I can eat healthy and stay on track.

I've realized that losing weight on tour is not as hard as I thought it would be. Being on tour means that you are never in one place and for the most part never have a chance to really rest. I may have not been running or going to the gym every day, but I was constantly on my feet, performing nightly (which is a work out in itself), and loading and unloading gear. There's a lot to be said about just always being on the move, and I think in the end the daily grind and constant activity really helped me a great deal.

We received another $100 pledged to the Liz Army from my Auntie Keala! Combined with my 5 more pounds of lost weight, we have now raised

$1558.85 !!!

I feel the 300 pound barrier right around the corner and am so excited and determined to break through it! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Losing weight on tour is the hardest thing in the world. I'm impressed.
