Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fatathon Breaks 30lb Mark!!!

Here we are at the 2 1/2 month mark and we've broken the 30 pound barrier! This last week didn't come without a cost though. I did this weigh in on Sunday, and by the next day was a bit hesitant to put it up because I accumulated a number of injuries and decided that in order to heal that I would need to take a break for a few days (not on my eating habits of course, just exercise). I've done this knowing that I'd be putting a couple pounds back on in the process so even though my weigh in was really great on Sunday, I knew that that number would be temporary and was actually back up to last weeks weight within two days. In the last week I have given myself:

A pulled right hamstring
Back Spasms
A battered left leg complete with mild road rash

Not to fear though, I jumped back on the horse again last night with a 2.5 mile run, and although my legs felt terrible, my lungs felt great, and I think my break is over at least. So my goal this week is simply to be back below the 30 pound mark. I've started to play weekly basketball games with my friends and it has been amazing. If you live in the Seattle area and want to play with us, please feel free to send me an email. I'm also playing on a Sunday softball league which I anticipate will also be a great time, and a good way to exercise.

That's all for now. Here's to trying to stay under 310 for next Sunday!

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