Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Two Pounds.. Gettin' back on the wagon

This has been a good week. After a couple weeks of a somewhat lackluster workout routine, the wife and I went through the process of moving to a new place across town. Every day for a week, I was loading and unloading boxes and furniture from one apartment to another, and it gave me one hell of work out. The scale has been resting on 306 pounds all week and I knew that it would only be a matter of time that it would go down. So today I weighed in and found that I have lost 2 more pounds!

The good thing about our new locations is that it is much quieter and I am already getting such better sleep. I think people underestimate the value of good sleep when it comes to weight loss. Sleeping better means my body heals quicker, and thus means I can work out more often while being less sore. A second good reason this new location is great is that it is a nice jog from my gym. I'm already getting excited at the thought of a new routine that allows me to jog to the gym, and jog back. good times.

I must remind myself, I'm healthier, but I am still not healthy. Even though I've lost 36 pounds, I still weigh 304 pounds and am considerably overweight. I think I may have been getting a bit content with my success and I need to change that. I'm going to hold myself to some pretty lofty goals this week. I'm in a new setting and must create a new routine with it.

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