Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Fatathon Progress 3/8/09


Today marked my second official weigh in and I am down to 325 pounds making my total weight loss for my first month 15 pounds!! This week I received an additional pledge from my friends Jason and Abby bringing my total value per pound to $41.73. Combined with the $200 dollars we've received in flat donations we have raised $825.95!

Thanks to all who have donated and/or sent me words of encouragement so far. If you haven't had a chance yet, please spread the word about the my fatathon! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell anyone.




Hello Everyone,

First off, I just want to thank each and every one of you who have been so kind as to support this cause I've embarked on. This means the world to me and I really wish I can reach out and give every one of you a big bear hug of gratitude. As of right now 19 people have pledged, making me worth $40.73 per pound! We've also received $200 worth of flat donations to the Liz Army Fund.

Weight Loss Progress

So the first couple of weeks saw me rattle off a good 12 pounds. In the last week or so though I've little disappointed, but not surprised, that I hit a bit of a wall as of late as my weight has remained at 328 pounds. As I've experienced during weight loss periods of my own in the past, it is typical for most people's bodies to go into a state of shock a couple weeks into a weight loss regiment (that is unless you're starving yourself). One of my new trainers at the gym reinforced this fact and it was comforting to be reminded of this by a professional. During this time the body tends to retain weight as it can be programed to think it is starving. It could take a couple weeks for my brain to be convinced that what my body is going through is ok, and I certainly hope that I get past this rather difficult period this week or next. All in all as of this morning, I weigh 328 pounds bringing my total weight loss to 12 pounds in 3 weeks.


My training has been pretty straight forward. When I started, I began by walking 2 miles a night. When I lost some weight and felt my legs getting stronger, I began running, and have extended the length of my run with each go round. Right now I am running every other night (now up to 2 miles), and alternating each day from running and cardiovascular exercise one day, to resistance training (weighlifting, situps, torture, etc) the next. I joined a fantastic gym this week, Ballard Health and Fitness. The gym is super cheap and comes with FREE PERSONAL TRAINING!! A lot of my weight lifting knowledge comes from when I used to play football and back then my weightlifting programs were geared towards power lifting and bulk. I've made some common sense decisions in how I lift weights (less weight/more reps) but next week I'll be meeting with a personal trainer about setting up a weight lifting and training regiment that not only works for me, but is geared towards losing weight. The first two weeks of training were real torture as I would often feel nautious and everything in my body would tell me not to do what I was doing. But this last week has been a real turnaround for me as I'm beginning to really look forward to working out and its almost as if my body is craving the exercise, rather than food. Which is awesome!

Weight loss goals

I've been asked by a number of people what my weight loss goals are or how much I expect to lose by February 28th, 2010. To make it clear for everyone, my goal is to eventually lose about 100 pounds. Even though I have this goal, I don't have a time line for it. The reason I am not giving myself a time line is that I feel that it is an unhealthy thing to do. I simply want to get in a very healthy eating and exercise routine that is geared towards weight loss, and let my body decide to lose its weight at its own pace. It is important for me from a psychological standpoint that this is not a diet, or a phase in my life, but rather, just how I live from now on. So for that reason, having a time line for my weight loss is counterproductive. Hope that makes sense.

Coming Soon

  • Video of my weigh-ins and training updates
  • A food diary on the fatathon blog
  • I'll be putting together a press release to send out to media outlets, hopefully giving my Fatathon some publicity

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